
How to Enjoy Springtime in Spite of Allergies

How to Enjoy Springtime in Spite of Allergies

Springtime is a beautiful season, but for those who suffer from seasonal allergies, it can be a nightmare. However, having a sunroom can be a great way to enjoy the outdoors without worrying about runny noses and red and itchy eyes. Here are some ways that you can still soak up the sun and enjoy the outdoors without suffering from allergies.


When the sun starts shining and the temperatures begin to warm up, getting your daily workout outside is a welcome change of pace. But if you are suffering from allergies, this isn’t really an option. You don’t have to miss out when you have a sunroom, though. Just move your workout into the sunroom to still enjoy the benefits of vitamin D. You can even add exercise equipment like a yoga mat or stationary bike to create a mini gym in your sunroom.


If you enjoy plein air painting, allergies can be a real bummer. But it doesn’t have to be when you have a sunroom. With natural light pouring in, you can take advantage of the sunlight to see your work more clearly. You can also enjoy the peaceful surroundings of nature without having to deal with the allergens.

Work From Home

With the rise of remote work, having a sunroom as a home office can improve your mood during the workday and even increase productivity due to the power of the sun. You can also add plants to your sunroom, which can provide a calming effect and improve indoor air quality. Plants that don’t trigger your allergies, of course.

Read and Relax

Is there anything more peaceful than reading a book under the shade of a tree on a breezy spring day? When that spring breeze brings pollen around you, however, this can turn into an unpleasant experience fast. Take your book to your sunroom instead and you can still enjoy a peaceful afternoon. With comfortable seating and a peaceful atmosphere, you can escape from the stress of daily life and immerse yourself in a good book. You can also enjoy the views of nature outside while reading, providing a sense of calmness and relaxation.

Don’t let springtime allergies ruin some of your favorite activities! Let Innovative Livingspaces help you create a sunroom that allows you to enjoy your favorite activities year-round, regardless of the weather.

By Innovative Livingspaces 5-15-2023
